Petite Selenite Bowl for Crystal Cleansing and Charging
Best way to cleanse crystals? Best way to charge crystals with energy? Use Selenite Bowl for Crystal Cleansing and Charging.
Powerful and adorable. These selenite bowls are perfect for charging your intentional jewelry and crystals. An essential for crystal cleansing. These Selenite bowls would also look too cute in a fairy garden or could be used for trinkets or as a ring dish.
Selenite is such a perfect stone for any ritual or intentional meditation because of its ability to effectively move energies around the body and aura, as well as remove and clear mental and emotional blocks. It’s gentleness and purity is renowned, making it not only beautiful, but also powerful to behold.
Carved from selenite, these bowls are perfect for charging crystals and energy cleansing.
Selenite is a high vibration crystals, that also deliver clarity of mind, by cleansing the aura of negative energy build up, both within the physical and the etheric body.
Selenite has many uses but is well known for it’s cleansing and charging.
Selenite is found in large crystal formations in caves. Selenite is known for its ability to absorb negative energy and cleanse all types of crystals.
Cleanses, Purifies and Protects: Selenite is named for Selene, Greek goddess of the Moon because of its moon-like glow. This delicate, white, non-transparent form of gypsum crystal, and protective stone shields from outside influences and dispels negative energy. Brings clarity to mind. Allows for deep peace, calming and soothing vibes. Removes energy blocks from physical & etheric bodies.
Bowls are approximately 2.5 inches in diameter. A bit smaller than the palm of my hand.