GRATEFUL Motivational Dog Tag Necklace with Healing Crystals
GRATEFUL Motivational Sterling Silver Dog Tag Necklace with Healing Crystals
What are you GRATEFUL for in your life? Remind yourself to be grateful for all the good that happens to you, because in this crazy world it is easy to forget about the good and focus more on the bad.
It has been Scientifically proven, having a gratitude practice increases happiness and empathy, reduce depression and anxiety.
Gratitude is an Attitude ;-) For each of us, having a gratitude practice and seeking out the silver linings in everything that surrounds us is incredibly important. While it’s not usually a vibration we can tap into while in the midst of a challenge, crisis, or hardship (we often need time to process the pain or challenge first), it can be beautifully helpful as part of regular day-to-day practices towards living a happy life. Wear these crystals for cultivating Gratitude:
Rose quartz is an excellent heart-healing gemstone. It is a nature remedy that can be used for treating any issue that needs emotional healing. Rose quartz is a pink-colored crystal that carries a very gentle and soothing energy and gives comfort to anyone whose heart has been wounded.
Amethyst is the perfect stone for you if you are facing stressful times in your life. This crystal helps people cope with stress by supporting mental calm. This beautiful crystal has been used for thousands of years to help with addictions – including alcohol and food cravings.
Carnelian is known as the self-esteem gemstone because it is such a powerful motivator. It helps you to overcome the various parts of your personality that may be holding you back allowing you to step out into the world and claim your destiny. As a major grounding stone, carnelian helps you to focus on where you are currently at in life and to get you through times of stress so you can concentrate on your confidence. If you happen to become a little loss for words, don’t sweat it, just draw upon the energies of carnelian and allow your inspiration to bloom and your creativity to find solutions.
Clear Quartz is known as the “master healer” and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Clear Quartz stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. While you are wearing your crystals as jewelry, the crystal vibrations work continuously on your imbalances.
The sterling silver GRATEFUL dog tag is 1.1 inch and hangs on a sterling silver necklace adorned with healing gemstones.
Handmade with Love in California.